Category: Medical Error | CHH Law

Why the Chicagoland Area May Be Particularly Prone to Medical Negligence and Surgical Errors

The Chicagoland area is home to some of the nation’s most prestigious hospitals and medical facilities, but even in a city renowned for its healthcare services, medical negligence and surgical errors are common. At CHH, a law firm specializing in medical malpractice in Chicago, we’ve seen how the unique characteristics of this urban healthcare landscape […]
Doctor Errors + Hospital Negligence + Medical Error + Surgical Errors

The July Effect: The Most Dangerous Month in Medicine

hands holding sparklers in front of picnic table

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found evidence that July is indeed the most dangerous month to be treated at teaching hospitals, verifying the long-presumed existence of the “July Effect.” The Study Methodology & Findings Researchers analyzed data from 39 previous studies. Based on the best-quality studies, they found that patient deaths […]
Hospital Negligence + Medical Error + Medical Malpractice + Patient Safety

Am I A Victim of Medical Malpractice?

Am I a victim of medical malpractice?

Do I have a medical malpractice case? Bad medical outcomes are an unfortunate reality of medical care. Sometimes they occur despite the doctor’s and patient’s best efforts to heal. While a bad medical outcome does not always mean that medical malpractice has occurred it may be worth it to ask the question: “Am I a […]
Doctor Errors + Medical Error + Medical Malpractice

Would Risk Management Exams for Doctors Reduce Medical Errors?

Would Risk Management Exams for Doctors Reduce Medical Errors?

When people visit doctors, they place trust in their physicians’ education, expertise and professionalism. They enter the doctors’ offices or hospitals believing that their illness or injury will be correctly diagnosed and treated. What many people are surprised to learn, however, is how incredibly often medical errors occur. Medical errors include inaccurate diagnoses, incomplete treatments, […]
Doctor Errors + Medical Error

An Epidemic of Preventable Medical Errors

An Epidemic of Preventable Medical Errors

The third leading cause of death in the United States is preventable medical errors (440,000 deaths/year). These deaths are not caused by illnesses or the medical conditions that caused these victims to seek medical care in the first place. They are caused by mistakes made in the hospital that could have been prevented. These mistakes can […]
Civil Justice + Hospital Negligence + Medical Error

Spinal Cord Injuries and Medical Malpractice

Spinal Cord Injuries | Medical Malpractice

A spinal cord injury is a terrible event.  It will change victims’ lives dramatically, leaving them to deal with problems like difficulty breathing, paralysis, and often bouts of severe pain.  Every year around 17,000 spinal cord injuries (SCI) occur in the United States. Unfortunately, 5% of those injuries occur as a result of medical/surgical procedures. […]
Medical Error + Medical Malpractice + Surgical Errors

Patient Safety Checklist to avoid Doctor Errors

Patient Safety Checklist

Avoiding doctor errors is something everyone wants to do.  After all, a visit to the doctor or a hospital is about feeling better, not worse.  Most of the time patient safety is a high priority for healthcare professionals. Unfortunately, there are times that mistakes are made and patients find themselves worse off than when they […]
Doctor Errors + Medical Error + Patient Safety

The Value of Transparency

The Value of Transparency

Why does transparency matter? We are a society that makes purchasing data based on research and comparison. We want to read others’ reviews of services and service providers before we buy. We are genuinely curious about how well they performed the service. We think it is valuable to know how well their customer service was […]
Medical Error

Are Doctors Distracted By Mobile Technology?

Are Doctors Distracted By Mobile Technology?

We live in a day and age when the advances in technology are having a profound effect on how well doctors and hospitals can treat us and keep us healthy. Tablet computers and smartphones give doctors incredible access to information and tools to help them be better doctors. At Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Dr. […]
Medical Error

Studies show that shorter shifts lead to more medical errors

People in Chicago often shudder to think about the long hours doctors may be working. Hospital doctors tend to work very long shifts, and many patients and their families might wonder if such schedules could lead to fatigue and related medical errors. In 2011, an oversight board did decide to curb the length of shifts […]
Medical Error

Should you settle your medical malpractice case or go to trial?

Several weeks ago on our Chicago medical malpractice law blog, we mentioned that medical malpractice lawsuits may take several years to resolve. Even though doctors’ errors may leave patients with permanent or disabling injuries, patients may not get the compensation they need to truly move on with their lives until they spend several years fighting […]
Medical Error

How long will your medical malpractice suit take to be resolved?

When a Chicago doctor makes a mistake while caring for you, the outcome of his or her negligence may have drastic effects on your life. While no one wants to go through a medical malpractice lawsuit, you may need to in order to recover expenses for medical bills and receive compensation for other damages. The […]
Medical Error

Distractions can keep doctors from focus on patient care

The digital age has created a host of distractions. Yes, it has also made an astonishing amount of information available at the mere click of a computer mouse. But when it comes to the delivery of medical care, the distractions of overly-wired doctors can be a problem – and raise the risk of medical malpractice. […]
Medical Error

Hospitals still carry high error rate that isn’t improving

Walk into any medical facility in the Chicago area and throughout the entire United States and you will find a sterile, pristine and bright building filled with doctors and nurses who have obtained advanced degrees and have attended extensive training seminars to learn how to care and treat patients who suffer from a variety of […]
Medical Error

Recycling isn’t always good when it involves medical equipment

It’s estimated that more than 100,000 Americans have been exposed to dangerous infections such as HIV and hepatitis in the past decade. This is not through any action of their own; it is due to contaminated medical devices. Among those contaminated devices used were reused needles or vials of medicine that were dipped into more […]
Medical Error

New doctor learns valuable patient safety lessons at mother’s bedside

While a hospital may seem like a safe place to stay, that’s not always the case. Hospital workers have a lot to pay attention to with patient care, and as one new doctor learned, sometimes simple safety issues are overlooked. A Harvard Medical School graduate learned some of her most valuable lessons — particularly about […]
Medical Error

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At Cirignani Heller & Harman, LLP, we represent Illinois clients in Chicago and throughout Cook County, including the cities of Cicero, Elgin, Schaumburg, Oak Park, Maywood, Berwyn, Elmhurst, Evanston, Skokie, Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, Arlington Heights, Palatine and Hoffman Estates. We also help clients in DuPage County, Kane County, Lake County, McHenry County, Will County and Winnebago County. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice in Illinois, CHH Law is the law firm with attorneys that can help.

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