Our firm has always handled medical malpractice cases. Many years ago, we made a decision to focus exclusively on helping victims of medical malpractice. We are unique as a law firm because we have built-in medical experts:
- Stanley J. Heller M.D. began his career as a board-certified cardiologist after graduating from Johns Hopkins.
- James C. Harman was a certified respiratory therapist before becoming an attorney.
Their medical backgrounds give us a particular advantage in this type of litigation.
One of the difficulties non-medically trained people have is they don’t know what’s missing. It’s more often what’s missing than what’s present in a medical record that ultimately gives you the clue as to what happened.
Our firm has handled cases that have been turned down by other lawyers because our expertise allows us to identify things that other lawyers miss. It is that expertise that we put to work for every client we have.
It’s very important when you choose a lawyer to help you with a medical malpractice case that they have both the legal and medical experience to figure out what happened in the case, find the negligence, find the causation, and then articulate it to a jury in a way that a jury will understand.
When a person is pursuing a medical malpractice claim they are preparing to cope with an uncertain future. At CHH our top priority with our clients is to give them the best possible legal advice for their case so that the can confidently face that future.