It’s likely that Illinois readers are aware that mistakes made by a physician can be devastating. Certain mistakes can result in brain injuries that can result in memory loss, paralysis, coma, or a persistent vegetative state. Some brain injuries result in death. If you or someone you love suffered a brain injury due to the negligence of a medical provider, it’s important that you talk with an experienced attorney right away.
One example of how quickly a simple procedure can result in serious injury is that of a New York woman who entered the hospital for a simple hernia operation last summer. When she left the hospital over nine months later, she was badly brain damaged. The woman’s family is suing the medical facility for medical malpractice on her behalf.
According to the report, the woman’s physician allegedly botched an incision made at the start of her surgery. The failure to properly close the incision resulted in internal bleeding. She also developed what was described as “giant hematoma” on her left side. The report claims that nothing was done about the infection for weeks on end.
The lawsuit claims “egregious malpractice,” saying the 69-year-old woman left the hospital badly brain damaged and is now confined to a nursing home. A spokesman for the hospital said, “While we empathize with the patient and family, we strongly dispute their version of the events in this case.” The family is fighting to receive damages saying that their mom, “lived for her family,” and took care of grandkids, cooked for the family, and spent time with her grown children.
Source: The New York Post, “Brain damage from Montefiore hernia surgery: suit,” Dan Mangan, June 12, 2012