We frequently work with families struggling to understand a cerebral palsy diagnosis, including what caused the condition and how it will impact their child’s future. To provide a resource and starting place for these families, we recently published a white paper titled “Cerebral Palsy: A Message Of Hope For Illinois Families.”
The most important piece of information that we want to convey to families is the message of hope. CP is the most common childhood disability but affects each child differently. While not curable, advances in technology and therapy options allow children with CP to thrive.
Our paper provides background on the condition. We discuss signs that indicate something might be wrong and answer common questions. We define medical terminology in understandable language, so families are able to recognize the severity of a diagnosis.
Advocating for a child
We have created a four-step checklist to guide parents through the challenges of raising a child with CP. From the initial concerns of finding the right team and understanding insurance coverage to taking legal action, we offer tips.
We also recognize that you are going through a very difficult time, so we have summarized the main points from our white paper in an easy-to-understand SlideShare. Please read our SlideShare here:
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