To be safe, it is wise to avoid giving your child pain or cold medications when he or she is under the age of two. In these two years, children are developing rapidly and it is very hard to determine whether or not your child will have an adverse reaction to the medicine. Additionally, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), over-the-counter (OTC) medications do not help soothe the symptoms of children who are so young.
In fact, OTC medication can be harmful, even fatal, if an overdose occurs. Many of these medications contain ephedrine, which can cause serious side effects in babies.
Unfortunately, pharmacies, doctors and nurses frequently suggest that a child take these medications. Furthermore, when a parent is giving these medications to his or her child, several variables can lead to an overdose.
Contact Our Illinois Attorneys if Your Child Has Been Prescribed and Overdosed on OTC Medications
If your child has experienced side effects or overdosed from OTC medication that was prescribed by a doctor or pharmacy, contact the experienced lawyers at Cirignani Heller & Harman, LLP.
We deal exclusively in medical malpractice and we have experience working with some of the most complex and unique cases in Chicago and surrounding communities. Regardless of its complexity, our goal is to get you the best compensation possible. Instead of stopping there, however, we work to make sure our legal work impacts the way things are done throughout the medical profession.
Contact the Lawyers at Cirignani Heller & Harman, LLP
We offer contingency fees and free initial consultations to our clients. Call (312) 346-8700.