Cerebral Hypoxia Lawyer
Many of our clients are people whose children have experienced oxygen deprivation (called cerebral hypoxia). Oxygen deprivation to a fetus can occur at any time during the pregnancy, but it most often occurs during labor and delivery. It is often preventable. Sadly, due to medical negligence, many health care providers fail to take the appropriate actions to prevent it or to minimize the severity of the injury.
Oxygen Deficiency and Medical Negligence
It is the responsibility of medical professionals to properly monitor the fetus. If distress is detected, these medical providers have the responsibility to act quickly before oxygen deprivation occurs.
There are many reasons oxygen deficiency can occur during pregnancy, labor or delivery:
- The umbilical cord can be twisted, knotted, or narrowed.
- Impaired blood flow through placenta
- Placental abnormality from high blood pressure (eclampsia).
- Placental infection
- Loss of placental connection to uterine wall (placental abruption) or uterine rupture.
As experienced medical malpractice attorneys, we know that most oxygen deprivation injuries happen when proper monitoring is not done. They happen when the doctor is not immediately told of fetal distress or when an emergency cesarean section is not performed.
The long-term effects of oxygen deprivation can include problems with speech or movement. Children often have trouble walking or controlling their balance. They may face learning difficulties and exhibit behavior problems. Some children suffer from epilepsy, which has been associated with oxygen deficiency at birth.